The Multi-Armed Bandit is one of the classic problems studied in probability theory and AI and it’s one of the first problems you are likely to look at when doing a Reinforcement Learning class. The basic premise is that you have a row of one-armed bandit machines, each tuned to pay out a reward based on a different random variable. When playing you have to decide between choosing to play with the bandit that you think will give you the highest reward, and playing with another bandit which will allow you to build up a more accurate picture of the rewards available.
This trade-off between exploration and exploitation can be seen in many real-world scenarios and research on advanced versions of the Multi-Armed Bandit problem is still ongoing nearly seventy years after the problem was first explored.
For more background information see the Wikipedia Article.
Write an AI that learns then selects the bandit which returns the highest reward.
At the start of each round, each bandit is assigned a different random variable with a normal distribution N(μ,σ²).
The following options are available when setting up the scenario:
# Bandits | The number of bandits available, numbered 0…n-1. |
# Pulls | The number of arm-pulls in each round. |
Bandit Mean | How the mean of each bandit is chosen |
Bandit Standard Deviation | How the standard deviation of each bandit is chosen |
Update Rule | How the mean of each bandit is updated after each step |
Random Salt | A repeatable salt for the random number generator – use ‘0’ to create a new value each time |
Skip intermediate frames | If checked the screen (and output) will only be updated at the end of each round, rather than after every pull. This dramatically reduces the amount of time spend updating the UI. |
The Swagger specification for this API can be downloaded here.
In each step the Sandbox Client will send the following to the AI server:
Note: If the number of pulls in a round is 100, then the pull parameter will range from 0 to 99.
"history": {
"sessionID": "DEF-5435",
"chosenBandit": 4,
"reward": 1.42
"sessionID": "ABC-23542342",
"banditCount": 10,
"pullCount": 10000,
"pull": 0
"arm": 3
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The graphical output shows three charts:
Average reward – the reward from each step of the round, averaged over all rounds.
Optimal action – the average percentage that the AI picks the best bandit (the bandit with the highest mean value) at each step in the round.
The current mean (centre of each diamond) and standard deviation (top and bottom of each diamond) of each of the bandits.
The statistics file will show the average reward and the amount of times each step has chosen the best answer, averaged over all rounds.
Step | Ave Reward | % Optimal Action |
0 | 0.11180486767982283 | 8.0 |
1 | -0.16001485097160476 | 6.000000000000003 |
2 | 0.01309801032724169 | 6.000000000000001 |